Webinar: Instron invites you to a Zoom webinar. Apr 3, 2025 03:00 PM Topic: Self-contained Test System for Dynamic Applications Register Now
Fatigue Test (LCF & HCF) - UTM

Instron offers an extensive range of fully-integrated dynamic and fatigue testing systems from 1000 N up to 5000 kN. Incorporating servohydraulic, servo-electric and linear motor technologies, these test instruments cover a broad range of fatigue, dynamic, and static testing applications. These applications include high-cycle fatigue, low-cycle fatigue testing machine, thermo-mechanical fatigue, fracture mechanics, crack propagation and growth studies, fracture toughness, bi-axial, axial-torsional, multi- axial, high strain rate, quasi-static, creep, stress-relaxation

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